P11 Tschurtschenthaler

Deciphering the role of tumor-site specific dysbiosis in subtypes of colorectal cancer

Principal Investigator:
Tschurtschenthaler, Markus, TUM

We aim to decipher colorectal cancer subtype-specific bacterial risk profiles and to delineate host-microbiota interactions that are relevant for tumor-initiation and progression using mouse models of BrafV637E, KrasG12D, Pik3caH1047R and Apc1638N-driven tumors. Orthotopic transplantations of organoids derived from these mice will be performed to functionally analyze the impact of various environments, i.e. SPF, germ-free and inflammatory conditions, on tumor initiation and progression with the long-term aim of targeting tumor-promoting taxa and bacterial signals.

⇒ Projects

Principle investigators