P16 Gulder, Zeller

Functional characterization of carcinogenic small molecules from the intestinal microbiota

Principal Investigators:
Gulder, Tobias, TUD
Zeller, Georg, EMBL

P16 will systematically identify biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) in gut microbiota through in silico mining of genomic and metagenomic resources. To infer pro-inflammatory or carcinogenic effects of the encoded metabolites, we will determine statistical enrichment in metagenomes of colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease patients. Promising candidate BGCs will be cloned, heterologously expressed and characterized in cell-based assays. The impact of the identified biologically relevant metabolites on the host will be evaluated in animal models with partners of the CRC. Ultimately, this project will elucidate new links between gut microbial metabolism and host disease development.

⇒ Projects

Principle investigators