Z02 Gessner, Middelhoff, Steiger

Clinical integration of microbiome research

Principal Investigators:
Gessner, André, UKR
Middelhoff, Moritz, TUM
Steiger, Katja, TUM

The clinical service unit Z02 provides unique access for all members of the CRC 1371 consortium to well-annotated human material as well as associated multi-dimensional datasets. We aim to develop and translate microbiome-based clinical decision making and therapy selection. In the second funding period, we aim to promote translational research approaches with the continuation of tailored patient recruitment and biobanking in addition to the establishment of an organoid biobank from endoscopic biopsies. Collected specimens will undergo standardized structured histopathological reporting, and integration of a state-of-the-art high dimensional, multiplex tissue analysis platform (CODEX technology) will enable in-depth analysis of host-microbiome interactions on the tissue-level. Microbiome-derived therapeutics for disease-adapted strategies will be further developed (disease adapted fecal microbiota transfer (FMT) Aim 3). Molecular methods have been established allowing live/dead assessment, determination of replication activity, and metabolic capacities of FMT products. The legal authorization of quality and safety measures as well as the lyophilization technology established to produce and apply GMP certified-FMT products will allow to develop precisely defined personalized bacterial consortia.