P06 Biedermann, Schnieke

Mechanisms underlying intestinal microbiome orchestrated induction, maintenance and breaking of tolerance to non-self-antigens

Principal Investigators:
Biedermann, Tilo, TUM
Schnieke, Angelika, TUM

Although humans do not express α-galactose-α-1-3-galactose (α-Gal), only a few develop allergies to α-Gal+ meat. Therefore, the role of the α Gal+ intestinal microbiome for this immune tolerance in
α-Gal-/- mice and pigs will be investigated. Using gnotobiotic animals, it will be analyzed how tolerance-associated commensals modulate the immune response and allergy to α-gal. α-Gal-allergic and tolerant adults and a cohort of newborns will be investigated for α-Gal specific immune phenotypes in dependence on the intestinal microbiome composition. The long-term goal is to develop prevention or treatment strategies against food allergies by modulating the intestinal microbiome.

⇒ Projects

Principle investigators